Artificial intelligence (AI) ethics become one of the essential elements of soft law in regulating national and international market. December 2021 UNESCO adopted the Recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence that provides the approaches for international soft regulation putting ethics in the heart. The Global AI Ethics index framework could be the basis for ethical impact assessment in alliance with the Recommendation and OECD AI Principles and the framework for AI classification. Methodology places the human in the center and includes all the key stakeholders along the AI system lifecycle. The data for the index could be taken from the existing databases of UNESCO, OECD, UNCTAD, WBG. But specificity of the topic enlarges on clarification and elaboration of the data that could be added to national statistics tables at macrolevel and also from the surveys, that cover the microlevel.
The authors are grateful to the leaders and coordinators of the National Priority 2030 project for making it possible to conduct the research.