EdTech market in Russia and abroad

The research work is devoted to the study of directions and prospects for the development of the EdTech market in Russia and abroad as a powerful accumulator of educational innovative technologies. The author considered the issues of the historical retrospective of the development of EdTech in the world, the status of the EdTech market in Russia and abroad, highlighted key global trends, as well as risks and further development prospects.
The research work was presented at the round table «Participation of business in the training of personnel for the AI market», which was held by MGIMO Centre for AI together with the MSc AI MGIMO.

The author is grateful to the to A. B. Movsesyan and O. N. Gurov for providing expert comments on the topic of the work, the team of the MGIMO Centre for AI and MGIMO-University for the implementation of the document as part of the Priority 2030 program.

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